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Protect Your Personal Information

Safeguarding your personal and professional information in today’s online and mobile landscape mirrors the precautions taken to protect your home and vehicles. Security measures can range from basic actions like locking doors to sophisticated systems involving monitoring and alarms.

The initial step involves adopting a mindset that recognizes the exposure, risk, and management of your information whenever it is requested.

  1. Cease divulging your personal information The first and straightforward step is to refrain from giving away your personal details. Often, information is obtained by simply asking for it, whether at a retail cashier, when joining an online group, or through phishing emails. In situations where urgency is conveyed and warnings of account closures or restricted access are issued via unsolicited emails, exercise scepticism. Learn to say no, particularly when it’s unclear why the information is necessary for a service or transaction. Avoid sharing confidential details via email or over the phone unless you initiated the communication.
  1. Scrutinize your mobile app permissions Mobile apps play a significant role in handling personal data, often requiring permissions that may not align with the app’s core functionality. After downloading an app, revisit its permissions settings and opt out of any that make you uncomfortable. Regularly perform this check for both new and existing apps.

  2. Assess your security and privacy settings In the realm of mobile devices, ensure that your smartphone automatically locks when not in use, employing advanced features like fingerprint authentication for enhanced security. Activate services like “Find my phone” to locate your device if lost or stolen. Each social media platform comes with its privacy and security policies, necessitating a thorough understanding of what data is collected and shared.

  3. Employ passphrases Given the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), securing household appliances and systems is crucial. Enhance IoT security by immediately changing the router’s default password to a passphrase, keeping firmware updated, and isolating devices accessible over the Internet into dedicated networks with restricted access.

  4. Utilize Antivirus software and keep software updated recognizing the potential threat of computer viruses or malware, it’s crucial to safeguard against them. Regularly update software with patches provided by vendors to address vulnerabilities and minimize the risk of security breaches, unauthorized access, or ransomware attacks.